Guido Veronese, Miras Natour, Mahmud Said. Positive emotions and life satisfaction in Palestinian children growing up amid political and military violence: a pilot study
Background Exposure to war has mostly negative psychological
eff ects on children, according to the results of several studies undertaken in
the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). Political and military violence has
been sustained in the oPt since the intifada (uprising) of 2000; according to
the results of a study in the West Bank, the frequency of mild post-traumatic
stress disorder was 73% (41% medium and severe) of 174 people. Additionally,
direct and indirect exposure to trauma is associated with disruption of sleep
and concentration, somatic symptom disorders, impulsive behaviours, and
depression. Data for the resilience of Palestinian children or how they cope
positively with trauma have been reported in few studies; in a study in the
Gaza Strip, 21% of 640 children were judged resilient. We therefore assessed
wellbeing in Palestinian children exposed to war in the oPt