Can Sense of Coherence Moderate
Traumatic Reactions? A Cross-Sectional
Study of Palestinian Helpers Operating
in War Contexts
Guido Veronese*, Francesca Fiore, Marco Castiglioni,
Hassan el Kawaja, and Mahmud Said
Guido Veronese, Ph.D., is a fellow researcher in clinical psychology, family psychotherapist and
family mediator. Francesca Fiore (Ph.D.), cognitive behavioural psychotherapist and
psychometrist, is working at ‘Studi Cognitivi’, Psychotherapy School. Marco Castiglioni
(Ph.D.) is associate professor in clinical psychology working at University of Milano-Bicocca,
Department of Human Sciences. Hassan el Kawaja (MD) is psychiatrist and specialist in
trauma intervention working at Psychiatric Hospital in Gaza Strip. Mahmud Said (MD) is
Ph.D. attendant at Milano-Bicocca University, Educational Psychologist and director of the
Educational Psychology Service, Iksal, Israel.
*Correspondence to Guido Veronese, Ph.D., Department of Human Sciences ‘R. Massa’,
University of Milano-Bicocca, P.zza dell’Ateneo Nuovo, 1, 20126 Milano, Italy. E-mail:
This study explored the moderating effect of sense of coherence on the impact of
trauma and psychological health in a group of helpers and social workers operating
in war contexts.We hypothesised that a strong ability to construct meaning in uncertain
and traumatic conditions would favour psychological well-being and quality, limiting
the direct and indirect effects of war-related trauma. Three self-reported measures—
Sense of Coherence (SOC-29) Scale, Impact of Events Scale (IES) and General Health Questionnaire
(GHQ)—were completed by 140 helpers operating in the West Bank and the
Gaza Strip (Occupied Palestinian Territories). Multivariate analysis of variance, partial
correlational analysis and mediation (path) analysis were carried out to verify the
effects of sense of coherence on psychological stress and trauma. The moderating
effect of sense of coherence on mental health and impact of trauma was confirmed.
No gender differences emerged in the subgroups. Implications for civilian populations
affected by war are discussed.
Keywords: Palestinian helpers, political violence, psychological well-being, sense of
coherence, impact of trauma—war
# The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of
The British Association of Social Workers. All rights reserved.
British Journal of Social Work (2012) 1–16
British Journal of Social Work Advance Access published February 20, 2012
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Accepted: December 2011
Professional social workers, volunteers and emergency workers operating
under life-threatening conditions in war contexts are commonly at risk of
developing moderate to severe trauma-related symptoms, depending on
whether they are directly or indirectly exposed to critical events (Koren
et al., 2009; Shamai and Ron, 2008; Ramon et al., 2006; Arvay and
Uhlemann, 1996). Studies on secondary indirect stress report low to
moderate incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following
indirect exposure and moderate to high incidence following direct exposure
to traumatic events (Koren et al., 2009). For example, 20 per cent of individuals
directly exposed to the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York developed
PTSD (Galea et al., 2002a, 2002b; Schlenger et al., 2002) versus 4 per cent of
individuals indirectly exposed to the attacks (Schlenger et al., 2002). In
addition, clinical social workers and helpers engaged with severely traumatised
populations are frequently affected by phenomena such as vicarious
traumatisation (VT), secondary traumatic stress (STS) caused by stress
factors and overlapping catastrophic events, and compassion fatigue, an
empathic and emotional overinvestment due to ongoing exposure to
tragic events in the lives of their clients (Bride, 2007; Bride et al., 2007;
Adams et al., 2006). In the latter case, helpers present symptoms, although
they are not directly involved in violent events (Figley, 1995). In other
words, a sort of contamination may take place when the helpers are
witness to extremely traumatic episodes (Figley, 2002).
Nevertheless, helpers in war zones frequently report feelings of personal
growth, increased sensitivity and empathy as well as increased resilience
and self-efficacy (Baum and Ramon, 2010). Batten and Orsillo (2002)
showed that therapists who experienced greater emotional intensity in
the wake of 9/11 were more successful in connecting with their clients’ emotions
and responded more empathically and effectively to their clients’
needs. Lev-Wiesel et al. (2009) reported positive psychological change
and PTG (post-traumatic growth) in Israeli social workers and nurses operating
during the 2006 Lebanon War (Calhoun and Tedeschi, 2006). In a
study carried out in Israel, Shamai and Ron (2009) reported that helpers
may experience the assistance provided to victims of terror and their
families as personal and professional growth. Lindsay (2007) found that
Palestinian helpers wished to play a positive role in the society by investing
in their own professional work, and that this was sometimes reflected in
enhanced connection with clients and their experiences. In addition,
acute and post-traumatic symptoms and consequences of exposure to war
can be limited by a range of individual factors such as personal resources
(Galea et al., 2002a; 2002b) and resilience, defined as the ability to maintain
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positive psycho-social functioning despite environmental adversity
(Tedeschi and Kilmer, 2005). Helpers can develop a feeling of ‘potency’,
namely strong adherence to a social and moral order that makes them
feel part of an upright and honest society that provides social support to
individuals (Solomon et al., 1998). Finally, they may become ‘activists’,
deploying individual ability to take part in a social context that makes
sense of events by putting up a struggle to resist the pressures of a threatening
group (Barber, 2008; Lewin, 1948).
The sense of coherence (SOC) concept, first introduced by Antonovsky
(1993, 1987, 1979), provides a helpful framework for integrating individual
and contextual factors. SOC is a stable global construct that is universally
meaningful, cutting across lines of gender, social class and culture (Sagy
and Antonovsky, 2000). It is a global tendency expressing the degree to
which an individual has a pervasive, durable and dynamic feeling of confidence
that internal and environmental stimuli are structured, predictable
and explainable (Comprehensibility); that resources are available to meet
the demands posed by these stimuli (Manageability); and that these
demands are challenges, worthy of investment and engagement (Meaningfulness).
Accordingly, it is a major factor affecting individual ability to deal
with traumatic events such as war and terrorism (Kimhi et al., 2010). Dudek
and Koniarek (2000) noted that a higher level of PTSD was associated with
a lower SOC among firefighters. High SOC and spirituality have been
found to positively correlate with lower stress and superior quality of life
in chronic patients (Delgado, 2007; Poppius et al., 1999). Finally, individuals
with a low SOC are less confident of adapting to the adverse effects of their
life experiences than those with a higher SOC (Konttinen et al., 2008;
Surtees et al., 2006).
Starting from these perspectives, the aims of this study were to explore
the effects of war on emergency workers’ underlying resilience factors, as
indicated by their SOC (known to facilitate positive adjustment to traumatic
events); to evaluate the functioning of helpers in the light of the
power of the individual and personal context to make sense of political
and military violence; and, finally, to investigate differences between a
group of Gazan helpers who had suffered recent extreme trauma
(January 2009) and a group of Tulkarm (West Bank) helpers in a posttraumatic
phase and a context of low-intensity warfare. Specifically, we
attempted to answer the following questions:
(1) Are there differences in SOC between the two groups of professional
helpers? (West Bank versus Gaza)
(2) Are levels of traumatisation lower in one of the two groups?
(3) Are levels of general psychological distress lower in one of the two
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(4) Is SOC (or any of its subscales) a mediator between the impact of trauma
and general psychological health (see the conceptual model in Figure 1)?
Implications for the quality of life and well-being of war-affected populations
will be discussed.
The background
Tulkarm City is a town in the West Bank characterised by the presence of
two refugee camps (Tulkarm City and Nurshams) that host around 27,000
‘internal refugees’. The population is extremely poor on account of
unemployment following the closure of the borders after the second Intifada
in 2002 (Al-Aqsa Intifada) (Esposito, 2005). The helpers’ work and
their quality of life in terms of freedom of movement, safety and general
well-being are compromised by the precarious conditions affecting the
territory: territorial discontinuity, the separation barrier, fixed and mobile
check points and curtailing of basic resources. Recent years have been characterised
by a form of low-intensity conflict (night-time incursions, imprisonments
and targeted murders, mobile checkpoints and surprise
curfews) creating a climate of uncertainty and terror amongst the civilian
population (Veronese et al., 2010).
Gaza City is a highly populated city in the Gaza Strip that is controlled by
the political faction, Hamas. In December/January 2008–09, the Israeli
Defence Forces (IDF) attacked the city during the operation ‘Cast Lead’,
causing severe infrastructural damage and approximately 1,400 casualties,
the majority of whom were civilians (Cobban, 2010; Giacaman
et al., 2009). This ‘high-intensity’ conflict has come on top of chronic
poverty and unemployment caused by the trade embargo and total
border blockade that have been progressively enforced since 2005 in opposition
to the rise to power of Hamas. Two large-scale refugee camps (Jabalya
and Al-Shati Camps, with a joint population of approximately 180,000
people) add to the gravity of the situation. The economic and social
Figure 1. Conceptual Model with Sense of Coherence as Mediator between Trauma and
Psychological Distress.
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restrictions in place in Gaza have had devastating impacts on both the
economy and public health (Giacaman et al., 2009).
Participants in the study were 114 Palestinian helpers, forty-seven males
(age A ¼ 30.4; SD ¼ 7.63) and sixty-seven females (age A ¼ 29.3; SD ¼
6.4). Of these, sixty operated in Tulkarm City and fifty-four in Gaza City.
The majority were social workers and counsellors employed by local and
international NGOs (see Figure 2).
Instruments and procedure
Participants completed three self-reported instruments. The first instrument,
the Impact of Events Scale (IES) (Horowitz et al., 1979), was used
to assess trauma-related symptoms in helpers. The second measure, the
Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-29) (Antonovsky, 1979), was chosen to
evaluate participants’ ability to attribute sense to traumatic experiences
and environments. Finally, the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ)
(Goldberg, 1972) was adopted as a measure of psychological illness in
helpers and therefore as an indirect measure of relative psychological
With regard to the Impact of Events Scale (Horowitz et al., 1979), we
used the Arabic Version by Dyregrov, Gjestad and Raundalen (2002).
Figure 2. Distribution of Professions for Entire Sample.
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The IES was originally devised by Horowitz and colleagues (1979) to assess
the emotional sequelae of extreme stress. The questionnaire describes
fifteen emotional reactions and the respondent is asked to indicate how
frequently each reaction has been experienced in the preceding week on
a four-point scale ranging from ‘not at all’ to ‘often’. Scores are obtained
by assigning the values 0, 1, 3 or 5 to the corresponding frequency
categories. The IES is made up of two subscales: Intrusion, namely
unwanted memories of the event, and Avoidance, namely attempts to
avoid reminders and numbing of emotional responsiveness. Horowitz
et al. (1979) reported high internal consistency for both subscales (Cronbach’s
alpha for Intrusion ¼ 0.79; for Avoidance ¼ 0.82).
Concerning the Sense of Coherence Scale, based on the sense of coherence
construct (Antonovsky, 1979, 1987, 1993) and devised by Antonovsky
(1979), we administered the Arabic Version by Cohen and Savaya (2003).
The SOC-29 is made up of three subscales:
a. Comprehensibility: the perception that events, including extremely negative
events such as death and war, are understandable at a cognitive level,
coherent and predictable in the future.
b. Manageability: a belief that you have the skills or ability, the support, the
help, or the resources necessary to take care of things, and that things are
manageable and within your control.
c. Meaningfulness: a belief that things in life are interesting and a source of
satisfaction, that things are really worth it and that there is good reason or
purpose to care about what happens; a perception of relevance in dealing
with difficulties and trust in the success of the fundamental values of live.
Finally, turning to the General Health Questionnaire (Goldberg, 1972),
we administered the Arabic Version (Daradkeh et al., 2001). The GHQ
has been extensively used in a wide range of settings and cultures since
its development by Goldberg in the 1970s as a measure of current mental
health. It is an indirect measure of psychological well-being because it
records stress symptoms that may indicate the presence of a disorder.
The GHQ-12 is brief, simple and easy to complete; its application as a
screening tool in research settings is well documented (Pevalin, 2000).
Each item is rated on a four-point scale (less than usual, no more than
usual, rather more than usual, or much more than usual); total scores of
12 or 36 are obtained, depending on the scoring procedure selected. The
most common scoring methods are bi-modal (0–0–1–1) and Likert
scoring styles (0–1–2–3) (Pevalin, 2000); in this study, we used the latter
Data analysis
Descriptive analysis of levels of trauma, mental health and sense of coherence
was carried out using SPSS PASW Statistics 18.
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A correlation analysis (Pearson’s r) and a partial correlation analysis with
age and gender as control variables were conducted for both the entire
sample and the two geographical subgroups in order to determine the
degree of association between the self-reported measures of sense of coherence,
impact of trauma and psychological distress.
Gender and age differences across the entire sample and for each of the
two subgroups were tested for using a multivariate analysis of variance
Mediation analysis, specifically the Sobel test (1982), was conducted to
test a model of how general psychological distress (GHQ total score)
might be predicted by impact of trauma and sense of coherence. The
model was tested following the four-step regression procedure recommended
by Baron and Kenny (1986), measuring in turn: the effect of the
independent variable on the dependent variable; the effect of the independent
variable on the mediator; the effect of the mediator on the
dependent variable; the effect of the independent variable on the
dependent variable, when controlling for the mediator. Specifically, we
used regression to test the hypothesis that traumatic events (IES) influenced
general psychological well-being (GHQ) mediated by SOC
(Figure 1). In order to run this type of regression analysis, it is sufficient
that residuals be normally distributed.
In the following paragraphs, we report and discuss the results of this
exploratory work. Table 1 displays the group means and standard deviations
for scores on each of the research measures. The IES average scores
reflect a moderate level of trauma on both Intrusion (I) and Avoidance
(A) subscales, given that scores in the range of 0–8 denote subclinical
trauma, scores of 9–25 moderate trauma and scores of 44–75 severe
trauma (Horowitz et al., 1979). The GHQ scores reflect good general
Table 1 Means and standard deviations for SOC, IES and GHQ scores
Comprehensibility 45.58 8.13 114
Manageability 36.61 6.31 114
Meaningfulness 38.92 7.44 114
Intrusion 9.22 4.85 114
Avoidance 11.50 5.58 114
GHQ 12.03 6.34 114
Note: Comprehensibility, Manageability and Meaningfulness are the subscales of SOC ¼ Sense of Coherence
Scale; Intrusion and Avoidance are subscales of IES ¼ Impact of Events Scale; GHQ ¼ General
Health Questionnaire.
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psychological well-being. The scores for all SOC subscales indicate a high
sense of coherence with regard to both the comprehension of events and
their manageability and meaningfulness.
Table 2 summarises the correlations found between sense of coherence
and the other study measures for the entire sample. Manageability and
meaningfulness were negatively correlated with Intrusion, Avoidance and
GHQ. This finding was replicated when gender and age were controlled for.
Table 3 reports the correlations for the Gazan subgroup. Manageability
and meaningfulness were negatively correlated with Intrusion, Avoidance
and GHQ, and comprehensibility negatively correlated with GHQ. When
gender and age were controlled for, manageability and meaningfulness
remained negatively correlated with Intrusion.
Table 4 presents the correlations for the West Bank subgroup. In this
case, manageability was negatively correlated with Intrusion and GHQ,
and meaningfulness with Intrusion, Avoidance and GHQ. This finding
was replicated when gender and age were controlled for.
Table 2 Correlations between SOC scores and IES/GHQ scores for entire sample
Measures Intrusion Avoidance GHQ
Comprehensibility –0.06 0.08 –0.12
Manageability –0.42** –0.22* –0.33**
Meaningfulness –0.46** –0.29** –0.49**
* p , 0.05; ** p , 0.01. Note: Comprehensibility, Manageability and Meaningfulness are the subscales
of SOC; Intrusion and Avoidance are subscales of IES; GHQ ¼ General Health Questionnaire.
Table 3 Correlations between SOC scores and IES/GHQ scores for Gaza group
Measures Intrusion Avoidance GHQ
Comprehensibility –0.09 –0.01 –0.30*
Manageability: –0.47** –0.26* –0.30*
Meaningfulness –0.45** –0.20 –0.37**
* p , 0.05; ** p , 0.01. Note: Comprehensibility, Manageability and Meaningfulness are the subscales
of SOC; Intrusion and Avoidance are subscales of IES; GHQ ¼ General Health Questionnaire.
Table 4 Correlations between SOC scores and IES/GHQ scores for West Bank group
Measures Intrusion Avoidance GHQ
Comprehensibility –0.09 0.12 –0.03
Manageability: –0.44** –0.16 –0.43**
Meaningfulness –0.52** –0.36** –0.64**
* p , 0.05; ** p , 0.01. Note: Comprehensibility, Manageability and Meaningfulness are the subscales
of SOC; Intrusion and Avoidance are subscales of IES; GHQ ¼ General Health Questionnaire.
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An ANOVA was carried out to test for differences between the
geographical subgroups on the study measures (two groups x six study measures)
and no statistical differences were found (F(5.26) ¼ 1.26; p ¼ 0.27).
Similarly, a MANOVA was conducted to test for differences as a function
of profession. We divided the sample into counsellors, psychologists,
medics (doctors and head physicians), social workers (general and education),
nurses and other. A statistically significant difference was found
(F(35.24) ¼ 0.44; p ¼ 0.01). Specifically, nurses had a stronger sense of
coherence than medics, while psychologists displayed greater psychological
distress than medics, nurses and counsellors despite obtaining higher sense
of coherence scores (see Table 5).
With regard to the mediation analysis, a series of tests
(Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Shapiro-Wilk, Normal Q-Q plot, Detrended
Normal Q-Q plot) showed that the residuals were normally distributed.
Neither the histogram nor the probability–probability plot indicated that
the assumption of normality was violated. A regression analysis was then
conducted to test for complete mediation (i.e. significant effects of the independent
variable, IES, on the dependent variable, GHQ, and on the mediator,
SOC, and of the mediator on the dependent variable, as well as a
statistically non-significant direct effect of IES on GHQ) or partial mediation
(i.e. as before but with a significant direct effect of IES on GHQ).
The model was confirmed with IES as the independent variable of a
process in which SOC was either a mediator or a moderator and GHQ
was the dependent variable (Figure 3 and Table 6).
Our results provide partial answers to the questions rising from the research
hypothesis. In line with the current literature on extreme trauma, Intrusion
Table 5 Comparison means of measures on different group profession
Counsellor Medic Nurse Psychologist Social worker
M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)
SOC total a,b,c 118 (13.8) 114 (16.2) 127 (14.2) 125 (13.4) 125 (13.3)
Comprehensibility 45 (7.4) 42.2 (9.1) 48.8 (7.2) 44.2 (8.3) 47.4 (9)
Manageability 34.5 (6) 35 (4.2) 39.3 (6.4) 37.4 (5.4) 37.5 (4.5)
Meaningfulness 38.2 (6.7) 37 (5.5) 38.7 (6.8) 40.9 (6.9) 40.3 (6.9)
IES total a,c 20 (9.6) 21 (16.9) 21 (7.2) 20 (13) 20 (13)
Intrusion 10 (3.3) 8.5 (4.5) 7 (3.8) 9 (6.1) 9 (6.1)
Avoidance 11.3 (4.7) 11 (5.9) 13.8 (5.2) 11.1 (7.4) 11.1 (7.4)
GHQ total a,c 9.9 (4.7) 9.4 (5.2) 12 (4) 14 (8.8) 14 (8.6)
a Significant main effect based on Bonferroni corrected alpha level of 0.003.
b Significant difference between medics and nurses, p , 0.05 level.
c Significant difference between psychologists and medics, p , 0.05 level.
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and Avoidance symptoms seem to predict psychological distress (Witteveen
et al., 2010; Rasmussen et al., 2010; Lavie et al., 1998). In addition, it
seems that the capacity to attribute sense and coherence to uncertainty
and political and military violence promotes helpers’ sense of efficacy
and power. In turn, this is likely to favour phenomena such as PTG as
well as enhancing the helpers’ well-being and quality of life (Barber,
2008; Shamai and Ron, 2008; Motzer and Stewart, 1996). In fact, both
Gazan and West Bank helpers report a very strong sense of coherence
and moderate traumatic symptoms in terms of both Intrusion and Avoidance.
Both Gazan and West Bank groups scored particularly highly on
the comprehensibility subscale of SOC-29 (the extent to which the individual
rates stimuli from his external and internal environments to be
structured, explicable and predictable). In addition, SOC seems to
promote positive adjustment to traumatic events and to moderate
psychological distress and intrusion of traumatic memories of extreme warrelated
events, both in a post-traumatic context (West Bank) and in an
environment affected by permanent and severe conditions of violence
(Gaza Strip).
Figure 3. Results of Mediation Analysis: IES to GHQ mediated by SOC.
Table 6 Main and interaction (moderation) effects of IES and SOC on GHQ
Dependent variable: GHQ Beta* F p
IES 0.55 43.44 ,0.001
SOC 0.17 4.22 ,0.05
IES * SOC 0.14 4.66 ,0.05
* Standardised coefficients were computed by standardising all variables involved in the analysis.
R squared ¼ 0.389 (adjusted R squared ¼ 0.369).
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No differences were found between Gazan and West Bank subgroups, and
no gender differences emerged in either of the subgroups. The former finding
is quite surprising given that theGazan helpers had been far more exposed to
traumatic events than their counterparts in the West Bank. Interestingly,
sense of coherence appears to play a key role in regulating the effects of traumatic
impact in both groups. In fact, all the professionals report a positive
level of psychological well-being and a strong sense of coherence.
Differences as a function of occupation indicate greater psychological
vulnerability on the part of helpers engaged in psychological work (psychologists
and social workers) compared to medical personnel and counsellors.
Conclusions, limitations and future directions
The interesting preliminary findings of this study may have some useful
implications, which we discuss in this section, for helpers operating in contexts
of war and/or military and political violence. However, given the
exploratory nature or our work, we cannot draw definitive conclusions or
over-generalise from our findings. In the first place, although Palestinian
helpers operate in a dangerous environment in which they are constantly
exposed to extreme and even life-threatening events, it appears that their
social context enables them to make sense of their increasingly negative
working conditions and to find meaning and coherence in their everyday
lives (Barber, 2008; Lewin, 1948). The capacity of context to attribute
sense and coherence to conditions of uncertainty and political and military
violence promotes the helpers’ personal growth and increases their sense of
efficacy and power (potency) (Solomon et al., 1998).
Interesting findings also emerged regarding the differences between the
various categories of professional helpers. In the future, we plan to investigate
this finding in greater depth, to test the hypothesis that different levels
of exposure to traumatic events, educational background/training, income
and social recognition may influence helpers’ SOC and general well-being
and quality of life (Carmel et al., 1991; Cunningham, 2003; Kivima¨ ki et al.,
These preliminary results suggest that there may be merit in extending
the focus of future research to examine the well-being of civilian populations
in war contexts. Specifically, personal involvement in activism, societal
growth and political and religious life may contribute to maintaining
a strong sense of coherence in individuals, moderating psychological
distress and the impact of trauma and disrupted socio-economical conditions
(Drageset et al., 2008). In fact, both ability to attribute sense to uncertain
conditions and sense of coherence favour positive individual
adjustment to trauma, in situations of acute trauma such as Gaza as well
as in post-traumatic scenarios such as the West Bank (Hobfoll et al.,
2012; Almedom, 2005).
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Turning now to the practical implications of our study, first, the particular
socio-political context, as well as the living and working conditions affecting
Palestinian helpers should guide the definition of effective and efficient
specific recruitment, training and intervention models, which could also be
appropriate for professionals training and operating in other ‘permanent
crisis’ contexts (Giacaman et al., 2011; Al-Krenawi et al., 2007). Scarce
economic resources and long-term social and political issues have created
a deeply divided and fragmented society that indicate possible strategies
for promoting competence and professional well-being in Palestinian
social workers. In our view, the need for high-quality training cannot be satisfied
using ‘standard’ and ‘Western-informed’models (Giacaman et al., 2011;
Al-Krenawi and Graham, 2000), which provide empirical evidence and
methodological rigour but do not cater for the specific need of Palestinian
helpers to construct meaning and attribute coherence to the permanent
uncertainty to which both they and their clients are constantly exposed
(Al-Krenawi et al., 2007). The key lesson to be learnt from this research is
the need to provide training that is in line with international standards but
also promotes local and culturally sensitive knowledge and competencies,
so as to raise the helpers’ own levels of self-esteem and self-determination
(Veronese et al., 2011). Action research and participative training models
should thus be used to guide the agenda of the institutions in charge of
public health and highest education (Razer et al., 2009; Al-Krenawi et al.,
2007). In a context of social trauma, it is critical that the intervention
models and instruments deployed encourage maximum participation, be
inclusive, offer the opportunity to construct meaning and enhance the
competence of helpers already operating in the field.
Due to the small sample size and the cross-sectional nature of the study,
we cannot generalise our findings. In addition, quantitative data do not
enable us to describe in detail helpers’ strategies for dealing with traumatic
events. In the future, we intend to work with a larger sample and to conduct
qualitative in-depth interviews and focus groups to analyse the helpers’ idea
of well-being.
The first author’s work was funded by the FSE ‘Dote Ricercatore’, a
programme of the Lombardy Region, Italy.
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